Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Is It Honestly True That Organic Food Can Improve Your Health?

By Jason Cooper

Organic Produce, Is It Really Advantageous?

Organic food is nothing new and has been with us for thousands of years, however recently more people have been taking an interest in it and the word organic has turned into a big buzz word. The organic food marketplace is prospering because lots of folks are taking a strong interest and they tend to be more expensive than non-organic food. Keeping all this in mind, the question needs to be asked; is organic food really beneficial or even necessary for our bodies? Should we be paying out more money on food that is allegedly better for people?

To determine all the information and facts, lets take an initial look at what the term "organic" really means to us. When something is organic it indicates that it has not had anything added to it. Such things as synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, unnatural fertilizers and pesticides will not be used with organic food. Regarding the essential protein foods such as eggs, dairy and meat, antibiotics or Growth Hormone (GH) are not given to the animals.

The procedure for growing commercial organic food is not an easy one as a total of 3 years have to pass before their crops can be termed "organic" For the initial two years the fertility of the farm land must be built up and only after that are crops allowed to be grown. Essentially, growing organic food is no easy process and thus the price tag can be justified But the question still has to be posed; is this all important? Is organic produce really going to make a considerable improvement to my health?

The great thing is that you will discover many other good reasons to buy organic food. Firstly, organic food has much more nutritional value then the non-organic alternative. Researchers have learned that milk obtained from cows that had been only given organic food had about 70% more Beta Carotene, 50% more Vitamin E and contained twice as many natural antioxidants and more Omega 3 then cows that were given chemically enhanced food. Organic food is also free of the various chemically enhancing agents mentioned earlier which often can have a damaging effect on your health. When toxins are added to food, it also increases the number of cancer causing substances which will be averted by using organic food. Even though it is a personal choice, many people state that they appreciate the taste of organic food and that it is a main reason why they are happy to spend the extra money on it.

Organic food is certainly also very good with regard to the environment. This is because organic food has not been force-fed any insecticides and pesticides when it is grown. Although this does take significantly more effort and time, it has a positive effect on the environment with the absence of the chemicals that are usually used. Pollution is adding to the important dilemma of global warming, however organic farming keeps pollution to a minimum which is good news. It is also important to observe that when farm animals are raised on organic food they are also usually treated well so that they will also produce well. Unlike the small cages and the force feeding operations witnessed on many other farms, organically fed animals are often "free range" and are allowed to walk around in open areas.

The facts are quite obvious; organic food is more desirable for the environment, the welfare of the animals and certainly for your health. Now its just up to you to make the final choice. Of course, as stated at the beginning, the price of organic food can be substantially higher then normally produced food. But always remember that when purchasing on the organic market you are doing something good for yourself and for the environment so personally I feel it is a small price to pay.

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Organic food helps to save our current human being health as well as our future generation health, since taking antiseptic and plants antibiotics is extremely endanger our health in long term as all these chemical will stay in our body and highly potential inherit to our future generations.

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