Health Benefits of Eating Organic Food
and the Dangers of Pesticides
One of the current issues concerning health is whether there are any health benefits of eating organic food and the effect that pesticides may have on ones health. Over the years it has become quite clear that there are some harmful health drawbacks of eating foods that were produced using pesticides in the process. Studies have been done to test for the amounts of pesticides in the human body system to see exactly what we are dealing with in terms of pesticides.
Scientists in parts of the world and the U.S. have been effective in linking pesticides to:
Neurological damage
Hormonal problems
Organ and tissue damage
Decreased immunity
Behavior Abnormalities
Remain Healthy Eating Healthy Organic Foods
Though there has been no official halt to pesticide production and usage, many people are now turning to organic food for health and safety reasons. Many are afraid that pesticides are also linked to the high cancer rates, and numerous scientists and doctors are in agreement that there is indeed something bad going on.
The alarmingly high cancer rates in the U.S and Europe in the late 20th century and the dawn of the 21st century makes many wonder if we as humans are finally paying the price for using chemical additives and pesticides in food.The dangers of pesticides have certainly sparked a lot of attention from intellectuals across the world.Another source of concern is the safety of children.
It has been noted that breast milk in mothers who don't live an organic lifestyle have been found to have pesticides.Women who eat non organic meat have been shown to have hormones and antibiotics in their breast milk as well.Children who don't live organic lifestyles have been tested and were found to have antibiotics and hormones in their tissues. Pesticides have been shown to bring even more harm to children because their bodies are still developing.
Taste Organic Food With A Fruit Salad
A study was done by the U. S Environmental Protection Agency along with Emory University and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to see whether eating organic food would show any difference to the amounts of pesticides found in the urine of several children.The presence of organophosphates (which have been linked to causing neurological effects) was greatly reduced to barely traceable amounts when children stopped eating non organic food.
Many people are going organic because they are learning about the dangers of pesticides and feel it is better to not place themselves or their children in a risky situation. The evidence and current state of health is good enough motivation for people of all walks of life to go organic.Since there has been no official halt to pesticide usage, it has become a matter of decision for every individual. One thing for certain is that we aren't finished hearing about this battle between the dangers of pesticides and the truly beneficial decision to go organic.

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